Profile Photo

Hi, I am Jeevika Kiran

My portfolio!

What I've learnt


JAVA, in my opninion of the most versatile languages is my go-to. Soon after that I worked with other Object Oriented Programming languages - Python and C++ I have also used C and Visual Basic in the past.

Front End

I delved into front end development, starting from HTML and CSS. Next, JavaScript, ExpressJS, Node js and Python Flask

Back End

I've used SQL and SQLite with python to store information. MongoDB has been my latest try in backend
My Work

About Me

Hello there!

I'm Jeevika Kiran, a student of Information Sciense (ISE) in MSRIT, and you're looking at my portfolio!.

Being an avid coder, this is me trying to give you a gist about myself. I am from Bangalore, did my schooling in Presidency School, and belong to MSRIT'24. I've been a part of hackathons, and ,made various applications using different languages and platforms I love exploring and experimenting, coding and spending time with my friends and family. My main goal has been to learn everything I possibly can from my fellow mates and teachers, and use that knowledge to create wonders! You'll be able to see everything I've indulged in so far.



A fun two player game where you win if you have 3 X's or O's together in a row or column or diagonal



Lost and found pets are consolidated in a site called 'Paws Rescue Center. You can create an account and edit and delete pets'


EDC Website

The official website to the Entreprenuership Development Cell, a club of MSRIT.




Getting started with python and Data Structures in python



A yearly team plan I made for EDC


Entreprenuership Development Cell

I'm part of the Event Management Team. I have planned, arranged, and hosted events of a wide range, co-ordinate with speakers and between the other teams in the club. I learnt that i can be a good manager and handle people well plating this role in the club. Through the ups and downs we worked our way together as a team

mystory event_management_team


Google Developers Student Club

We as a team, have planned, organised, and hosted hackathons, workshops, orientations and many google provided events

Rotary club event event_management_team

Reach out!